Mobile malware becomes increasingly difficult to protect against, with hackers trying more subtle approaches to gain access to user’s phone or steal his data. Probably we have all heard stories of someone we know that got hacked loosing access to his accounts and even money.
One of the vulnerabilities that became very popular recently is called Strandhogg. Its name comes from an Viking tactic consisting of coastal raids.

Essentially the vulnerability allows the malicious app to show a screen on top of a legitimate app. This means that the unaware user could potentially grant malicious app permissions or enter credentials trying to log in to his favorite service. More technically speaking the malicious app would display its own custom Activity on the top of other app. This activity could try to trick the user into thinking it is legitimate by matching the user interface with the target application.

At the time of writing there are two versions (1.0 & 2.0) of the vulnerability which I will talk about in more detail below.

Strandhogg 1.0

How does it work?

First version of Strandhogg is based on application manifest attribute called taskAffinity. The malicious app sets the attribute of its Activity to match the package name of the target application. Then the attacker can use manifest attribute called allowTaskReparenting set to true or add flag Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK to activity launching intent.

When the activity is launched the above steps trick the system into thinking that the malicious Activity is belonging to the target app. After its launched it will be displayed on top of the target application.

Android versions affected

According to Promon (security company which found the vulnerability in the first place) most of the popular apps are at risk. As for the system versions affected it appears that all of them are vulnerable, this including Android 10.

How can one protect against it?

Promon has came up with its solution protecting against vulnerability called Shielder SDK. We can also protect against it setting the taskAffinity of the application in the manifest to an empty string. This however could have an UX side-effects - it is worth checking how your application behaves in the android recents screen. Potentially the application could display every activity as a separate window - in order to fix that one can use combination of excludeFromRecents and documentLaunchMode manifest attributes.

Google claims that it is effectively able to protect users against it, after all the malicious app needs to declare uncommon manifest attributes - when such attributes are detected the app would be removed from Google Play. However this doesn’t protect against apps from sources other than Google Play.

Strandhogg 2.0

How does it work?

Second version of the vulnerability has been classified by Google as a vulnerability with critical severity (CVE-2020-0096). This version is much more dangerous since it cannot be detected so easily - it relies on runtime code execution which is much harder to detect.

It works by exploiting Context.startActivities API using the following activity-launching intents:

  • First intent launches the target application - the intent needs to contain Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK
  • Second intent is the one doing the attack. Potentially the corresponding activity would match the target application’s UI to trick the user
  • Third intent works as a distraction, ensuring that user does not become suspicious of the target application being launched - this intent would also contain the Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK flag

After creation of the above intents they’re passed into startActivities method. The same scenario happens as with Strandhogg 1.0, the malicious application is able to display the activity from the second intent on the top of the legitimate app.

Android versions affected

According to Promon all versions up to Android 9 included are affected

How can one protect against it?

As with Strandhogg 1.0 one can use Promon product called Shielder SDK. Alternatively the protection involves adding singleTask or singleInstance attributes to every public activity of your app (activity that can be launched by other apps - either one that contains intent-filter or has the exported attribute set to true). This can also have undesired side-effects, make sure to thoroughly test your application when applying this fix.
